New Discounts for Jenny Craig Weight Loss Programs

BEST Life’s plans include access to discount programs offered through the BEST Employers Association (“BEA”).  In February, BEA has launched the addition of Jenny Craig to the Gold Star Advantage Discount Program.

Save on Jenny Craig and lose weight!

A bowl of healthy saladBEA’s new discount program provides members the option to try a Jenny Craig program free for 30 days*, or to receive 25% off a premium program*. Jenny Craig programs include At Home or In-Centre services, personalized one-on-one consultations, and Jenny’s Cuisine®, a line of food to help participants meet their weight goals. Jenny Craig is a national company and has helped millions of people lose weight.

In addition, members who enroll on our email list will receive monthly health tips or offers from Jenny Craig and other discount programs sent through BEA. These flyers can be used as employee stuffers and serve as a great reminder of the value BEA brings to BEST Life members. To sign up , visit

For details on the Jenny Craig program visit

*Plus the cost of food. Plus the cost of shipping, if applicable. Restrictions apply.